Luxury and the Culture of Excellence in Spain

From our capability to remember the past, emerges the energy to develop our ability to construct the future.

Tous es una de las firmas españolas situadas en el top 100 mundial según Deloitte
Tous es una de las firmas españolas situadas en el top 100 mundial según Deloitte
Tous is one of the Spanish firms ranked in the top 100 world according to Deloitte

For centuries, Spain has been the cradle of great historic achievements, great and immortal individuals from all the areas of arts and sciences and also some of the most beautiful artistic and literary creations in history. From the beginnings of our history as a unified and consolidated country, we have witnessed the great feats of our King Phillip II, who was the first to make his empire integrate for the first time in history, territories on the five continents under its domains.

Feat which began the King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella unifying their kingdoms and discovering the Americas, the biggest discovery in the history of humanity thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit inherited from Don Pelayo, who started in the year 718 the greatest feat to date which was the reconquest of Spain from the Arab hegemony that had lasted more than 800 years.

Christopher Columbus and the Catholic Monarchs

Nowadays we are leaders in many fields globally: high-speed trains, in renewable energies, aerospace and bio-molecular technology, food and beverages. We have some of the best chefs in the world who are constantly reinventing the kitchen, strengthening our brand worldwide thanks to their creativity and excellence. We have many great leaders and influencers in fashion, all kinds of sports and are world leaders in tourism with nearly 70 million tourists each year who come searching for the excellence of our quality of life.

Contamos con algunos de los mejores cocineros del mundo como Ferran Adrià
We have some of the best chefs in the world as Ferran Adrià

Since then, throughout our history, we have witnessed the eternal awesomeness of painters, sculptors, architects and writers who have shown a constant pursuit of excellence that runs through our blood. Since then, Spain has not missed a century to producing geniuses, entrepreneurs, creatives, dreamers steadily thickening a long list of names that, to this day, resound throughout the world carrying Spain’s Mark of Excellence to the highest heights.

Nuestro país ha destacado en genios de la pintura como Joan Miró
Spain has excelled in brilliant artists as Joan Miró

Such is the case, that surely, as the reader is following the text, it will resonate in his mind the different names of people in different areas of the human knowledge who have taken our flag and our country to the top. Therefore, I think that it would be entirely impractical to name them all, as well as unfair to name just a few without mentioning others, whether they’re actual or from the past.

En España
People like Fernando Alonso have taken our flag to the top. (Photo: clickdeporte)

And of course, regarding luxury, we are writing our pages in History. We have great brands that are positioned as one of the top 100, and even among the top 30, most powerful and prestigious luxury brands in the world, according to the latest report released by Deloitte’s «Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2015», in which Spain is one of those 7 countries that produces luxury. And we have many more brands, which do not appear in the report, but which are conquering some of the most important strategic points in international markets with undoubted success.

The Deloitte report placed several of Spain brands on top

Therefore, we have all the ingredients needed to say with absolute firmness that in Spain we have an ancient culture of excellence, timelessness and exclusivity essential to create luxury, and the passion to achieve the greatest feats so that from now on, we can change definitely the slogan that not many years ago used to identify us, from Spain is Different to the one of Spain is Excellent.

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