Getting Married? Don’t Forget to Try on Your Smile Too!

The digital design of smiles is a revolutionary treatment.

Marisa Nufrio. 30/03/2016

Brides want to look perfect and stunning for their wedding. Make-up, hair, facial and body treatments… However, most of them forget something essential, their smile. The smile is a fundamental part of our image. Aligned teeth, white, with no stains or imperfections give us a completely different look and can notably improve our self-esteem and make us feel surer of our selves. Those who realize its importance, usually get a whitening treatment and a deep cleaning but what if they could try on in their mouths the smile they always dreamed of, not only for their wedding but also for the rest of their life?

Tú eliges el estilo para tu boda, pero no dudes en mostrar tu mejor sonrisa
You choose the style for your wedding, but don’t hesitate to show your best smile

Thank to SmyDesign, our sophisticated digital smile design system based in the latest DSD technology created by Dr. Christian Coachman, it is already possible. Using this protocol, we can design the perfect smile for the bride and plan all the necessary treatments to get it (orthodontics, implants and aesthetics). Moreover, this is the only protocol that permits to feel and watch this ideal smile, straight in the mouth. Everything in just two visits.

Before and after smile design system

During the first visit, the bride goes to the clinic where all the diagnosis tests, including TAC, x-rays, intraoral scan, pictures and videos, to re-create the new smile. All of it living a unique experience in an exclusive atmosphere designed to enjoy and relax. These tests will be sent to the diagnosis and digital planning centre, where professional dentists will design, plan and make the real simulation or mock-up counting with the top four most important aspects of a smile: colour, shape, position and facial features.

Una bonita sonrisa para el día de tu boda... ¡y para siempre!
A beautiful smile for the day of your wedding… and forever!

During the second appointment, the bride will be able to try on her smile same as she will do with her dress or her special make-up, and at that very moment she will see, not only the image she will show at her wedding, but the change that her life will experiment. After that moment, the bride is ready to start the whole treatment knowing all the needed steps to get it. Show off an unapologetic smile at your wedding and enjoy the smile you always dreamed!

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